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Church Directories

It’s about communication — but not just in the way you might be thinking…

A directory is more than a list of names and a way for your members to keep in touch. As your group’s pastor you are always looking for ways to get your message out to your congregation. A Connecting Directories directory is an opportunity to do just that.

In addition to the names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses and names of children, you are encouraged to include staff information, description of organizations, stewardship information, a church event calendar, schedule of services, mission and outreach information and more.

To enhance the directory as a communication tool, Connecting Directories offers direct-mail service at no cost to qualifying churches. Your directories will be mailed directly to the homes of each active member household. This is an excellent way to reach members of your congregation who may be homebound or perhaps just haven’t made it to church in a while. Your message can still get to these members.

If the directories are being mailed, why not include a newsletter? Connecting Directories will optionally print and stuff a newsletter or other correspondence with each directory, too.

We Will:

  • Design an attractive, personalized cover.
  • Include introductory pages designed to fit the individual needs of your church.
  • Include a complete directory listing of all your members.
  • Assist with an export of member listings from your church management software as needed.
  • Provide a directory for each family in your congregation and extra copies for new members.
  • Include a Roll-by-City/Street listing. (Optionally)
  • Find advertising support and coordinate on ad copy. You will not have to be involved in this process.

You Provide:

  • A complete roster of your members — You may either maintain a list of members in an Excel file or we will connect to your computer and walk you step by step through the process of exporting from your church management software program.
  • Introductory pages in a Word file for easy conversion — You provide the text and we’ll take care of formatting.
  • Art for your cover design.
  • A potential list of possible advertisers. You are not responsible for contacting advertisers or providing a specific number of leads, but any help you can provide is appreciated.

We Assure You:

  • A quality product delivered on a timely basis.
  • Names, addresses and telephone numbers are never sold to telemarketers or mailing houses.
  • Your satisfaction!

Connecting Directories is Currently Compatible with These Church Software Packages:

  • ACS
  • CDM Plus
  • Church 360 — Coming Early 2015
  • Church Windows
  • CMS (Church Management Solutions)
  • Creative Church Information Systems
  • Fellowship One
  • IconCMO
  • J.S. Paluch
  • Logos II
  • Parish Soft
  • PDS (Parish Data Systems)
  • Power Church Software
  • Revelations
  • Servant Keepers
  • Shelby Systems
  • Shepherd Staff

Sample Church Directory

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Click thumbnail to view sample